Thursday 6 February 2014

New Jeevan Arogya Health Plan ( Plan No.903)

LIC Jeevan Arogya (Health Insurance Plan)

LIC Jeevan Arogya (Table 903) is a non-linked Health Insurance Policy which helps individuals to cope up with the rising medical costs. In this plan you can cover yourself, spouse, children, parents as well as mother-in-law and father-in-law. It is a comprehensive health insurance policy for the entire family. 

Features of LIC Jeevan Arogya :

•   One health insurance policy that covers self, spouse, children, parents and parents-in-law
•   Provides Hospitalisation Cash benefit (HCB) and Major Surgical Benefit (MSB)
•   Provides benefit payout irrespective of actual medical cost incurred
•   Cover can be extended to new members of the family in case of marriage and childbirth
•   Quick Cash Facility is available on hospitalisation instead of waiting to make a claim for the benefit after discharge

LIC Jeevan Arogya Eligibility Conditions :



Daily Hospitalisation Cash Benefit (in Rs.)1000/day4000/day
Major Surgical Benefit (in Rs.)1,00,0004,00,000
Entry Age of Self/Spouse1865
Entry Age of Parents (in years)1875
Entry Age of Children91 days17
Age at Maturity-80
Payment modesYearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly and SSS 

Exclusions of LIC Jeevan Arogya :

•   Routine check-ups and Non-allopathic treatments
•   Pregnancy or child-birth related conditions
•   Epidemic diseases or conditions (classified by Central or State Government)
•   Abuse of drugs, alcohol or intoxicants
•   Participation in dangerous sports like racing, scuba diving, bungee jumping
•   Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV / AIDS
•   Any act of war, invasion of foreign enemy, naval or military operations etc

Click here to Buy LIC Plan Online 

For more details please visit or

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